Good Medicine high cbd marijuana seed
Good Medicine high cbd marijuana seed
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Good Medicine high cbd marijuana seedDid you think that sought-after high-CBD strains are only found in California? Think again.“Good Medicine,” a CBD-rich strain grown in Montana, is aptly named because of its excellent healing properties.Good Medicine was a happy accident. Jolly Roger, the proud owner, had bought seeds of the strain at an online fundraising auction years baasck. He had the seeds for awhile until he started growing them. Initially, he was impressed with general high quality of the trichome-covered, purple herb. He noticed the favorable medicinal effects of the new strain and decided to have it tested. Good Medicine turned out to have a relatively low THC content compared to some of the most potent strains, but to be rich in CBD (9.03% CBD to 8.2%THC ratio, as tested by CannabAnalysis in Missoula).
The origins of this strain are Blueberry Trainwreck (aka “Derailed Blues”) crossed with Ogre, which is a special Sensi Star phenotype. Roger commented on the strain’s characteristics: “It is a very smooth easy-smoking strain. Not all harsh. The effect is also a smooth transition with a medium time frame onset to peak, say several minutes. The relaxing/almost narcotic pain reducing effects are also immediate. That is balanced with a very pleasant uplifting feeling which gives one energy without any over stimulating effects.One can get things done.”
Good Medicine’s reputation has not gone unnoticed. It was discussed at the October 2010 Montana State Medical Marijuana Growers Convention in Helena. Since the original creator of the plant lost interest in the strain, Jolly Roger is now the proud owner of these genetics. Good Medicine has sticky buds that are very dense and covered in crystals. This strain is easy to grow and needs average nutrients. Its branches are tall and spindly. The overall diameter is relatively thin, but the heavy buds form densely and beautifully. Good Medicine grows indoors and can reach 7 feet tall. The strain is a good producer and takes about 65 days to mature.
Jolly Roger has found Good Medicine to be just that. It has been reported that this strain has been very beneficial for those with neuropathic pain. One patient said it was the most effective medicine she has tried to date, including pharmaceuticals. It has also been reported to aid in providing relief for back pain. Roger’s patients, himself included, use it for back problems and find it very effective. Another one of Roger’s patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome said that Good Medicine helped relieve the nausea and cramping caused by his illness.
Rose Habib of CannabAnalysis is excited about the upcoming harvest of Good Medicine. This was the first CBD-rich strain that was brought to her lab. Habib had been researching CBD for some time and was surprised and impressed with Good Medicine’s test results. She is interested in testing the strain again to see if it retains the same CBD/THC ratio. She is looking to create an extract of Good Medicine that can provide pain relief without unwanted psychoactivity. With the new hype about this Montana grown strain, people can hope to see more Good Medicine available to those who need it.