Dark Delight marijuana seeds
Dark Delight marijuana seeds
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Dark Delight seedsThis is a 75% indica/25% sativa multi-blend which has taken a few years to create but the results have been worth the wait. This is a feminized traditional variety, not an AutoFem.
In recent years a number of the newer cannabis varieties have perhaps been developed with bumper yields as one of the main considerations. This is understandable; many modern self-sufficient growers want to grow only the minimum number of plants necessary to meet their medical or recreational needs.
However, we get regular mail from customers, especially the experienced old-school growers, saying that they want a variety bred purely for a luxurious smoking experience and a lavish, delightful high. That was the thinking behind Dark Delight from the very beginning; we focussed only on the quality aspects of this strain. For Dark Delight we decided to focus more on creating a variety which offered pure and deep indulgence for the connoisseur. As it turned out the yields here are average (or slightly above average), but Dark Delight would have been commercialised even if she had been a light yielder, such is the aficionado quality present in the pot produced by Dark Delight.
When Dutch Passion create a new strain we begin with a ‘wish list’ of the desired targets. Ironically, although we are called ‘Dutch Passion’ we have to be dispassionate about evaluating new strains, and we have to be brutally demanding as well. For a company like Dutch Passion with many best selling strains that have been around for decades we have to be sure that the new strains offer something new to our customers. Some strains can spend years in development but never quite make it into the Dutch Passion collection. These days the standards for a new strain have never been as tough, but Dark Delight had no problems overcoming the challenges and tests.
Dark Delight is a blend of the best genebank Afghani,European and North American strains. She is an indica dominant feminized variety bred with the simple goal of producing the finest sensimilla. The result really is superb. The ‘high’ is one which will satisfy the most demanding of marijuana fans, she has a strong Indica flavour and aroma. The incorporation of the Afghani heritage has been done specifically to deliver the rich, intense hash smells of the best of the Mujahideen Afghani resin that privileged stoners may remember from the 70’s and 80’s. The smoke is rich, deep and of course highly fragrant with different levels of taste and aroma. Dark Delight is typically indica; powerful, with the real quality that we originally wanted, smooth, mellow and yet undeniably potent. But following this is the influence from the sativa, this adds to the experience, introducing a heady, cerebral and psychedelic feel. All in all, this is a long lasting and great quality pot that you will enjoy smoking, vapourising or cooking with.
The Dutch Passion team got together at the 2011 Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam for a final review of Dark Delight, and we were all in agreement that this was a fundamentally very special and potent result. This is weed to satisfy those looking for the best they can get.
Dark Delight expertly grown in a greenhouse and starting to flower. The size of the stem is remarkable and in a larger pot (or rooted directly into the ground) she would have made a real spectacle! She was taken outdoors for this photo. Under optimum conditions and with an experienced owner she yields well above average.
Dark Delight grows up to 1.5m tall, producing dense bud in respectable quantities. When grown in optimum conditions by an experienced grower, Dark Delight will deliver well above average yields. She has very few leaves making her easy to trim and look after. Towards the end of flowering the leaves take on a dark appearance which is how she got the name. Occasionally some leaves can be nearly black towards the end of the 8-10 week flowering period. Outdoors or in greenhouses she is ready around the middle of October. Dark Delight is ideally suited to indoor and greenhouse production though it will perform well outdoors at southerly latitudes.
Dark Delight is a luxury strain, perhaps one for the aficionado who is looking to experience the best quality and indulge themselves with a rare and unique variety.