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Erythroxylum Coca

Erythroxylum Coca

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Erythroxylum Coca cocaine 10 seeds highest cocaine alkaloid concentration of any coca plants

ince 8000 years the coca leaf is highly valued for its healing and stimulating properties.
It is a very important source of proteins, vitamines, and minerals for the highland population of the Andes.
The cocaplant is one of the most nutritious plants there is, cocaleaves contain more calcium than milk, and more proteine than meat.

It can withstand the comparison between all fruits and vegetables.
Coca leaves are consumed by chewing and drinking tea or drinking an alcoholic beverage containing cocaleaf extract (tonicum)
Studies of various universities have shown that consumption of cocaleaf is not hazardous to your health and not addictive, it is even a valuable source of food to keep you healthy.
Consuming cocaleaves on a regular basis protects against cardio-vasculair diseases, coloncancer and tooth decay.
This plant is a medicinal against: altitude sickness, depression, obesity high bloodpressure, astmatic bronchitis, diabetes, stomache and colon problems.

In the western world the cocaplant has a bad reputation because of the drug cocaine, we can hardly imagine that the consumption of cocaleafs is beneficial to our health because it contains cocaine.
To understand this you have to know more about this plant.
Apart from cocaine cocaleaves contain more types of alkaloids each with its own properties.
These alkaloids work synergetic, that means that they reinforce each other; that’s why a few grams of cocaleaf are allready active.
By consuming 2 grams of cocaleaf with an alkaloid content of 1.25% you get about 25 milligram (=1/40 gram) of alkaloids such as cocaine, ecgonine, hygrine etc.
This quantity is enough for a pleasant sensation, you will feel bright, stimulated and relaxed for about 4 hours.

Apart from alkaloids cocaleaves contain a lot of proteins, vitamines, minerals and is rich in flavanoids (green tea) wich support the energy processes in your body.
You will be stimulated on a mild and pleasant way without damaging your health.
Cocaine (cocaine hydrochlorine) is a chemical deriavate of the cocaplant wich is extensively chemically treated and it lacks every comparison with the healthy cocaleaf.

Nutritional value of cocaleaves 100 grams:

Proteine 19,9 gr. . Vitamine alfa&beta caroteen 16,6 mg.
Phosphoros 405 mg B1. 0,8 mg.
Potassium 1110 mg. B3 1,7 mg.
Calcium 2191 mg. B6 8,6 mg.
Magnesium 911 mg. C 2 mg.
Iron 36 mg. E 53 mg.
Zinc 4 mg. H 0,5 mg.
Boron 24 mg. Nicotin acid 5,0 mg

Alkaloids are organic nitro based compounds which are produced by many plants.
They form an energy reserve in metabolic processes of the plant and helps the plant to defend against insects and deseases.
The chemical structure of alkaloids resembles xeronine which is allso produced by plants in very small amounts.
Some plants metabolize their surplus of xeronine into alkaloids, and reverse this proces again if necessary.
Xeronine is also important for our metabolism and is very quickly absorbed in our body.
That is the reason why alkaloids are so quickly absorbed in our body, because they resemble xeronin.
Familiar alkaloids are: Cafeine, Nicotine,Theobromine (choclate), Quinine, Theine (tea).

Every alkaloid has a specific effect on our body, it depends on the dose and composition if alkoloids are curative or lethal.
In cocaleaves all alkoloids are in balance.
By chewing cocaleaves enzymatic processes convert the most of Cocaine into Ecgonine so you don’t experience the “coke rush”.
If you ad a litlle burned lime or sodium bicarbonate to the cocaleaves you do experience a little bit of a coke rush.
Because of the alkaline the alkoloids are released very quickly from the leaves and your mouth becomes numb.

The consumption of cocaleafs does not stimulate the use of cocaine.
It might sound as a paradox but heavy coke users have a benefit of chewing cocaleaves.
It takes away the craving for coke and helps to reduce or even stop with the use of cocaine.
If cocaleaves are availeble most people prefer chewing coca leaves instead of using cocaine.
Only a small percentage of coca chewers use cocaine.

List of alkaloids containing in cocaleafs and its quality’s

Cocaine Stimulating, euforic, painkiller
Ecgonine Gives stamina and regulates the burning of carbon-
hydrates and increases fatt burning
Quinoline Prevents from caries and strengthens the gum
Globuline Stimulates blood circulation, against altitude sickness
and low blood pressure
Papaine Promotes digestion, good for skin
Pectine Anti diarea, absorbtion of poison
Reserpine Against high blood pressure
Benzoine Anti ferment, good for skin, mouth, colon,
Atropine Dry’s up salival glands, relaxes muscle tonus
Hygrine Stimulates salival gland
Pyridine Stimulates bloodirculation, aproves the oxygen
absorption of brain and muscles.
Conine Local anaestesia.
Inuline Improves the production of hemoglobine
Cocamine Analgetic painkiller, blocks only pain other
sensations remain intact.
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